Collection Development Guidelines


The Library has a dynamic collection of books, talking books, eItems, magazines, CD’s and films. Selection of these is based on community interest and on-going needs. Items are required to have an aesthetic, literary, entertainment and/or social value.  When making a decision a range of factors are considered such as format, durability and language.  Items are selected by a panel of librarians who are managed by the Coordinator Acquisitions & Collections and the Collections Team Leader.  The ultimate responsibility for selection rests with the Libraries Manager.



When purchasing items we use suppliers who offer the most favourable economic terms and conditions and whose service is effective, efficient and timely.  

Requests for items


Is there an item you would like us to include in the collection? We welcome your requests and are happy to purchase items of general interest that fit our selection criteria.

Collection Use 

We have specific loan periods and limits to ensure that items within the collection are circulated and enable all library members to access items in a timely manner.  Some items are only available for use within the library. These include some current month magazines, newspapers and items in our Reference and Local History collections.


Other factors influencing the development of the collection

The Library’s Collection Development Guidelines respond to the Library and Council’s strategic plans and links to other library policies and guidelines.  Frankston Library Service also supports the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) statement on free access to information and ideas in the context of a free and open society.  Most collection suppliers are part of the Procurement Australia contract – Library Collections, Furniture, Equipment & Associated Requirements

Do you have a suggestion?

Customer comment with regard to the collection is welcomed. There are a number of ways to register your feedback, such as customer feedback forms, email and letters. The Collections Team Leader will reply via phone, email or letter.