Become a Member

Become a member of Frankston City Libraries. It's free! 
Your membership offers free access to books, talking books, music CDs, documentaries, films and children's DVDs, magazines (online and in-print), eAudiobooks, eBooks and so much more.


Full Registration

Step 1.Join at any of our locations

Visit our Branches, Outreach and Hours page for more information.

Branches, Outreach and Hours

Step 2.Show your identification

Show a form of identification providing both your name and current permanent residential address. 
If you don't have the ID needed, or you have a Community Connectors Program letter, then please speak to a library team member for assistance. 

Step 3.Under 18s

Under 18s require a parent or guardian to create a library account. Parents/guardians are required to show identification, sign their membership card and act as a guarantor.

Step 4.Young adult library accounts

Young adults between the ages of 16 and 18 may sign up without a parent or guardian present. They will be able to borrow up to two items at any one time.

Online Registration

Join online

Step 1.Online registrations enable you to place two reservations

You may place two reservations with your online account (if you give yourself a PIN) and access eLibrary resources.

Step 2.Your online membership can be upgraded to a full membership

Visit one of our branches with your ID to have your membership upgraded to a full membership and to receive a library card.

Branches, Outreach and Hours