PC & Internet Conditions of Use
Effective: January 2024
Frankston City Libraries provides access to public computers and Wi-Fi for library members who agree to be safe, smart and responsible online and who agree to abide by the conditions of use below:
- Your Frankston City Libraries membership number and PIN must be given to log into the library computers or use the wireless network (Wi-Fi). Not a library member? It is free to join, click here.
- Library membership cards are not transferable for purposes of computer use
- Internet use must meet general community standards and users must not deliberately access illegal, inappropriate or restricted material
- The responsibility for acceptable use of the internet by users under 18 years old rests with parents/guardians
- PC Users are not permitted to load software onto library computers
- PC users should be self-sufficient when using the PCs/Internet/Wi-Fi, only limited trouble shooting can be provided by library staff
- Centralised printing facilities are available from the public PCs (not Wi-Fi)
- When accessing audio, earphones must be used for private listening
- Optical discs and USB micro drives may be used
- A maximum of two customers per computer station at any one time
- PC users are responsible for copyright compliance
- The Express computers do not require booking
- All other Public Computers have a 2 hour limit and can be booked up to two weeks in advance
- All PCs will shut down 10 minutes prior to closing
- Use of the computers may be monitored at any time
- Failure to abide by these conditions of use may result in access to library computers being suspended
- Visitors to the library are welcome to take out a free membership for the purpose of using the public PCs
- General conditions will then apply
- Your Frankston City Libraries membership number must be given to book a computer. Not a library member? It is free to join, click here.
- Bookings can be made in person, online or over the phone
- Public access PCs can be booked for a maximum of two hours per day
- Bookings can be made for the current day or up to two week ahead
- If a booking is no longer required, please cancel as soon as possible
- Computer bookings will be cancelled if the customer does not attend their booking within 15 minutes of the starting time
- Only library members may book a computer
The library service does not filter and has no control over information accessed via the Internet and therefore cannot guarantee the reliability, accuracy, currency or appropriateness of the information retrieved. Parents should supervise children's use of the internet at all times. Material downloaded from the Internet may contain viruses or other malware. Frankston City Libraries accepts no responsibility for any damage caused as a result of downloaded viruses or software.